Insurance Claim Investigations
Protect Your Company's Integrity, Safeguard Your Business from Fraud.

Amanda, Fraudulent Insurance Claims Investigation Expert

Get in Touch with a Private Investigator

Insurance Claim Investigation

In Michigan, it is reported that fraudulent insurance claims cost insurers over $80 billion a year.  We have heard the news stories for years about Michigan No-Fault insurance and some of the byproducts that create an environment for fraud, including medical clinics and plaintiff attorneys in Michigan.  For proper full-service investigations of these claims, it pays to hire an experienced Michigan Professional Investigations Company. fraudulent insurance claims

Michigan is home to several big cities, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Flint, Lansing, Warren, and Ann Arbor that all hold a dense population which increases the likelihood of an accident occurring.  With the increase in accident rates, it also increases the likelihood of fraudulent activity. Unfortunately, when a loss occurs, it may be someone’s idea for a potential payout. Fraudulent activity during an insurance claim is popular because claimants hold the idea that the loss is their way to financial gain. Insurance companies suffer from fraudulent insurance claims because of the limited information they are given and the common he-said, she-said scenario.  It is our job as investigators to further verify the claim is not a part of fraudulent activity.  Conducting a proper insurance claim investigation is a way our staff is able to assist you in limiting the likelihood of a potential fraudulent insurance claim.

A fraudulent insurance claim is not limited to only car accidents, but can vary from:

  • Workers Compensation
  • Personal Injury Protection Investigation
  • Third-Party Claims
  • Transportation Liability
  • Rail Road Accidents
  • Carnival Accidents
  • Marine Accidents
  • Health Care fraud
  • Disability
  • Inflated insurance claim

We offer a trained staff of private investigators in Michigan that are dedicated in discovering the facts in your investigation and limiting the likelihood of fraudulent activity.  Our staff takes investigation a step further by using tools and experience to get all information possible on a claimant.

Why an Insurance Investigation is Needed

When an insurance claim is filed, it is important to investigate all aspects of a claim. An insurance claim investigation can further ensure that payouts are legitimate and worthy. When an insurance claim is first filed, insurance companies are often provided limited information provided by the claimant in the matter, and sometimes left unanswered only to hear from an attorney. On top of the limited information given, it is always a possibility the information is false. As insurance claims are proven to become costly for everyone, it is crucial for payouts to be appropriate to the extensiveness of the loss.  In Michigan, insurance companies have a right to obtain information to ensure an accurate claim is being filed. When it comes to the liability of your company and the compensation needed from an accident, you are entitled to all factual information about the claimant and the loss.

It is our job, and we take pride in our abilities to provide insurance companies with all information feasible regarding the individual.  Conducting an insurance claim investigation is beneficial in creating an accurate background profile for the claimant, and potentially observing the lifestyle they partake in.  At ASG Investigations, our staff is knowledgeable on obtaining the information needed to conduct an accurate and efficient investigation on your claim. Some examples of investigative research we conduct during insurance claim investigations include:

  • Criminal/Civil Records: A collection of all criminal and civil records involving your claimant.
  • Employment history: We use an advance employment verification database to locate a claimants current and prior employment history.
  • Address History: Providing a list of the claimant’s prior addresses using databases to locate a correct residence for the claimant.
  • Internet profile: Collecting all information on a claimant through web searches and social media accounts.
  • Surveillance: Conducting surveillance to observe a claimant following a loss.
  • Human intelligence: Our private investigators contact individuals discretely to obtain information on a claimant regarding activities and health status.

Our staff is filled with experts that conduct insurance claim investigations. We are aware of Michigan’s privacy laws and court systems and know what information we legally have access to in order to fulfill your investigative needs. Our investigators are knowledgeable on following guidelines and regulations pertaining to Michigan confidentiality acts avoiding potential liability for your company and have been working in the field for over 25 years.

During investigations, our staff has access to resources and databases that the general public does not have access to.  Information obtained from our databases is used to aid us in discovering a person’s past and allows us to create a well-rounded character profile for the claimant. Digging into a claimant’s past is a useful tool in determining the legitimacy of an insurance claim.  Another important tool private investigators use to garner information during an insurance claim investigation aimed at de-legitimizing fraudulent claims is surveillance. We offer surveillance all throughout Michigan where our staff members are strategically placed to aid in discovering facts about the case.  Our team works together to determine the best place to conduct surveillance, so no money or time is wasted on risky surveillance opportunities.  Private investigators keep their discretion and are trained on obtaining crucial information that may make or break an insurance claim investigation. Here at ASG Investigations, we pride ourselves on teamwork where we are able to use a combination of skills and investigative work to complete an insurance claim investigation.

We Can Help

Here at ASG investigations, we make Michigan insurance claims a top priority. Our staff is made up of trained private investigators educated on Michigan’s surroundings and have specialized training in depicting factual information from potential fraudulent claims. In addition, our surveillance team members are tactically placed throughout Michigan to assist in your insurance claim investigation. We offer several tools that allow you to tailor your exact investigative need to suit your insurance claim. Our staff is skilled in capturing and collecting the information needed about a claimant in order to determine an accurate insurance claim from a fraudulent insurance claim.  Our staff takes investigation a step further by using tools and experience to get all information possible on a claimant.


If you suspect insurance fraud, ASG is here to help! We are headquartered in Clinton Township, with offices in Birmingham and Novi to better assist our Oakland County clients. We offer service in Detroit, Grosse Pointe, Livonia, Plymouth, Warren, Sterling Heights, Shelby TownshipSouthfield, Royal Oak, and TroyGive us a call today for any insurance investigative needs!

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