Novi Private Investigator
ASG Investigations 248-617-0220
When it comes to a Novi private investigator, look no further than ASG Investigations. ASG is one of the largest investigative agencies throughout metro-Detroit. Not only are we one of the largest, we are also known for offering more specialized services than any of our competitors.

We know what our clients look for in a Novi Private Investigator. The size and diversity of our team allow us to quickly, affordably and discreetly get you the information you need. Actually, the size of our agency allows us an advantage to our competitors. As one of the largest dedicated PI agencies in the Midwest, our team of Novi private investigators work full time on cases like yours, unlike the smaller, local part time Novi private investigator. Our skillset and experience in all types of cases give our clients a true edge over those who choose to hire any other Novi private investigator.
ASG Investigations has been serving individuals and businesses as the premier Novi Private Investigative Agency since 1999.
ASG Provides a wide range of investigative services including:
- Surveillance
- Real Background Checks
- Domestic Investigations
- GPS Tracking
- Non-Compete Investigations
- Finding People / Skip Tracing
- Fraud Investigations
- Child Custody and Support Investigations
- Undercover Investigations
Over the years, ASG has become one of the private investigative agencies most recommended by attorneys and law enforcement leaders in Southern Oakland County and Western Wayne County serving Novi, Northville, Plymouth and the surrounding cities. We have provided countless investigations for corporations, law firms, private clients and families in and around Novi, Michigan. Our team includes those with backgrounds ranging from law enforcement to military intelligence, risk management to post graduate studies in intelligence analysis making our capabilities few and far between. ASG’s Novi private investigator’s professionalism and customer service simply cannot be beat!
Our Novi Michigan Private Investigator office is located at:
ASG Investigations
39555 Orchard Hill Place
Suite 310
Novi, MI 48375-5523
(248) 617-0220
Call us today to have a confidential discussion about your situation and how we can help, or to schedule a meeting. You are free to remain completely anonymous during our consultation.
Client’s of a Novi private investigator have high expectations and a need for greater service. In part this is because people living and working in the Novi, Northville area are more likely to be prominent people and have cases that have higher stakes. These clients have a greater need for discretion and confidentiality than the average client. They also tend to have considerable assets and a public reputation to protect as well as responsibilities to look after the wellbeing and reputations of their family and employees. This type of client expects and requires several things from a Novi private investigator. They expect real results, absolute privacy and discretion all provided by a true professional, expert investigator. At ASG we have a large team of dedicated, full-time professional PIs. We also have the resources of our team members located at our multiple offices in metro-Detroit, also available to serve those clients who want results. Our size is a testimonial to our expertise and ability to get results for clients.
Why did we choose to open an office in Novi Michigan? Not only is the residential and commercial composition in Novi the perfect match for our services, the Novi / Northville / Plymouth area is a great location for us to also serve the neighboring communities like Ann Arbor, Farmington, Brighton and Livonia area in a ten minute drive. Our Novi location is the perfect choice to assist with matters anywhere in southern Oakland county or western Wayne county.
Michigan Professional Investigator Agency Branch License # 3702207814
Novi Resources
Novi Police Department – (248) 348-7100
52nd District Court – (248) 305-6460
Oakland County Sheriff’s Department – (248) 858-5000
Michigan Public Sex Offender Registry